About Me

Did you know Sweet Annie really is an herb? It's described as tall, and gangly. Fruity smelling, but the tomboy of the garden. Kind of like me, in junior high. I think it's a perfect name for my blog. My kitchen is still tomboy-esque. It has more of a home-grown feel, than a fancy flair. A little rough around the edges. But, the foods I love to cook are tasty, and sometimes sweet!

I have a passion for nutrition (I'm a registered dietitian!) and enjoy cooking healthy foods for my family. I support local foods, especially local vegetables. I shamelessly encourage people to eat more vegetables! There is a movement to encourage vegetable consumption and decrease our reliance on meat, called Meatless Mondays.  In my kitchen, however, most days are meatless. I feel that the Typical American Diet is nowhere near being too low in protein, and we can get along just fine without eating much meat. My dear husband might disagree, and in fact has lobbied for "Meat-y Mondays" just to offset all the other meatless days of the week!

So, while we mostly eat vegetables and whole grains, there is some meat scattered in, to keep my husband's taste buds happy! And while I love to eat healthy, I also love to cook sweet treats every once in a while. This blog is a place for me to document my successes (and failures!) in the kitchen. And, to organize recipes for later!

I also love the outdoors! Running, hiking, yoga, camping, and backpacking are among my favorite activities. I grew up in Montana, recently moved to Iowa, after living in Alaska for a year. And, as any Montana native will tell you - once you've lived in Montana, it's in your blood and you can't wait to get back!

I hope this blog will inspire you to try cooking something new. To help you embrace the important privilege of feeding the ones you love foods that not only taste great, but are nutritionally great for their bodies as well.